Andy Knott, executive director for The Watershed Center, led a great professional development session at NorthSky last week on Grassroots Advocacy. Some tips he shared:
- Build your advocacy network by identifying and recruiting individuals who support your cause and share your passion. How do you find these folks? By going public with your cause --perhaps through an education session, event of some sort, or media story.
- Carefully craft your message and train the members of your network to deliver it. Don't assume that they can convey your message effectively: arm them with materials and train them to deliver the message.
- Communicate with and build relationships with politicians and opinion leaders. Use letter writing campaigns, phone calls and meetings to get to know one another.
- Build coalitions with other organizations who share your mission and support for the cause. List and publicize your coalition partners to gain support from other individuals and organizations.
- Meet with officials at the local, state and federal level. Remember: you'll have more impact if other coalition members and constituents participate. And, develop a print piece that you can leave behind.
Other suggestions to share?
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