Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Head is Spinning!

No, not like that young girl from the Exorcist! Just another great technology webinar this week with Andy Wolber, Executive Director, Highway T. He discussed the “Accidental Techie” and wow! There certainly is a lot to learn. I immediately “defragged”, checked my cables, and cleaned the crumbs off my laptop. (Just out of respect!)

If you missed the session, you’ll find the recording at:
It’s worth reviewing, even if you’re not the technology guru at your organization. There are plenty of applications for home computer use.

It would be easy to become overwhelmed by all the technology changes, demands, and complexities we experience on a daily basis but here’s what I think. I just try something new every week or so and focus on mastering that. I find it too discouraging to consider everything I could and should be doing but if I tackle one thing at a time, it’s actually fun and I feel brilliant. By dipping a toe in, I actually become more immersed in technology solutions that if I plan on diving totally in. You know, I just get swept away with the possibilities.

How about you? Any thoughts to share?