These last beautiful days of summer are lingering on but for most folks it’s back to busy schedules and to projects that need to quickly move forward this fall. I may have had more trouble picking up my pace after Labor Day except for a very full calendar, too many deadlines and a flood of requests from you. I’ve kicked into hyper speed. You probably have, too!
I hate to lose that more relaxed state of zen that comes with the summer; enjoying simple pleasures such as having time to chat with someone in the hallway or getting home in time to have dinner on the deck with my husband.
How do we retain some of those things we love about the summer?
A few ideas …
- Keep your walking shoes in the car or office. Walk to a meeting if it’s within walking distance or better yet, have a meeting while you walk. This works best with one-on-one meetings or small groups and I’d recommend bringing along a pocket size notepad to capture key thoughts and agreements. It does get you thinking creatively and can be much more productive. Plus, it’s excellent for team building.
- Don’t schedule every minute. I’m notorious for filling every minute but the reality is, that just like in school, you need a few minutes between meetings and phone calls. Build time into your schedule to collect your thoughts and to graciously handle folks who pop in to the office.
- Attend some of the many great workshops and training opportunities throughout the region. Certainly NorthSky has its share but there are all sorts of things being offered. Professional development not only provides you with the time to focus on strategic development and big picture thinking but offers opportunities to network with your colleagues. Sometimes, just being in a new place triggers a solution or a new idea.
Enjoy the fine weather!
Pam Evans